This is a cellophane stained glass mask I created using cellophane and black hot glue. The cellophane helps to project a mask over a face. The in depth meaning behind this will be explained on my blog and on my sketchbook post.
This is two different dry-point prints inspired by the in the making exhibition and masks in one. The exhibition contained sculptures and pieces that I believed told/ had meanings of fantasy or truth meaning behind.
Here is my lino cut template I used and a collograph print of 3 different style masks. I used rope, netting and feathers.
This study sheet is a mixed media sheet of a few left over prints of different dry-point prints, 4 dry point cards and 2 paint test sheets with biro mark making. I created a square layout and used 4 different colour brusho paints to dip down.
This is a study sheet of 8 small dry points.
Here is 4 collograph prints inspired by the in the making gallery. The last print I used a light layer of black ink over the top to add definition.
This is a mixed media collage of cut up prints and acetate masks like my spacial project.
These photos are of the cellophane mask painted onto an actual face using face paint.
These two square prints are monotype prints using sticks to create marks and a lino cut print, printed on top.
This is a quick study sheet of prints and acetate on top of each other (masking a mask)
Another collograph study sheet inspired by in the making exhibition.
The collograph prints printed on foil to see what effect it had.
a clearer view of this foil.
The cellophane photos using a DSLR Camera.
Another collograph study sheet of masks.
Acetate experiment painted in. Was originally to project however the projector just filled it in black and white no colour- the reason behind the cellophane.
Eight Lino Cut prints some are overprinted.
A mask painted with the cellophane design.

For my A2 External Set Task, My theme for this project was truth, Fantasy or Fiction.
In this project, I spent up to 3 months exploring the concept of Truth and Fantasy in depth, finally reaching an outcome (posted separately). For a full length description of what I did do for the entire project, check out my blog post all about it at in a few weeks. For this post, I have bundled all my study sheets and extras for the project separately due to the amount of work created. Hope you all enjoy :)

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