The start of AS Level of Fine Art, for the first 6 months of the course was establishing what medium you like to use through a series of mini projects using a variety of processes.
Triptych Project:
The first project was to create a Triptych using mixed media. During this Project, a focus was on natural forms using different media and artists as inspiration. This included watercolour, Indian ink, charcoal, graphite, acrylic paint, collage, oil pastels, soft pastels, oil paints and printmaking. During both years doing A level, I have learnt several printmaking techniques including linocut, collagraph and drypoint. For the process of the final outcome, I used 3 of my best prints from printmaking working on top of all 3 to create a flowing single piece. My Triptych result was a usual shape. 2 prints on top of each other with 1 at the side. My prints pattern and inspiration came from natural forms that I have experimented creating such as shells.